designed for durability

Solar Battery Storage

At Project Solar, we provide our customers with long-lasting electric energy storage systems. Powered by Lithium Iron Phosphate (LFP) batteries, which are renowned for their efficiency, we integrate hybrid PV inverters and battery inverters for enhanced system performance.

How long do our solar batteries last?

Our solar batteries are designed for durability, boasting an estimated lifespan of 10 years. However, advancements in battery technology suggest potential extensions of up to 15 years!

The evolution from basic ‘dumb batteries’ to intelligent systems allows for integration with smart tariffs, which could optimise energy usage (and potentially generate greater cost savings!)

What are the specifications of our solar batteries?

Our standard battery dimensions are 500mm x 450mm x 290mm. For households with higher energy demands, our batteries are stackable up to 10 units.

Project Solar can provide a scalable solar solution that’s tailored to your home’s energy needs.

How do you determine the right battery size for your home?

Selecting the appropriate LFP battery size depends on your household’s energy consumption patterns.

Typically, installing two batteries suffices for average energy loads. To help you make an informed decision, we offer a sizing guide that matches battery capacity with your energy requirements.

we help you monitor your usage

Have Full Control of your Solar Battery System



We provide an advanced dashboard that offers insights into your solar installation, including real-time energy production and consumption data.


Optimal Performance

To ensure optimal performance, our Electrical Energy Storage (EES) systems enable active monitoring.


Proactive Maintenance

Our network of over 4,000 assets means we take a proactive maintenance strategy, managing error codes and alarms so that you enjoy an uninterrupted energy supply.

Professional from start to finish

Quality Installation Done by Experts

Our Installation Team

Leaders in their field

Our dedicated, skilled and professional installation team will install your solar power battery in a matter of hours and advise you on the best place to put it that suits both your needs and your home’s aesthetics.

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Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions

Whether you’re ready to take the step towards
sustainability with Project Solar, or just looking for more information, get in touch with us!

  • A friendly and well trained team to guide you through each step of the process.
  • ​​Specialist advisors able to answer any and every question you may have.
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